Mild Steel MIG Wire /CO2/CCMS wire

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Mild Steel MIG Wire /CO2/CCMS wire

We are cater MIG/MAG wire, CO2 wire and CCMS wire since long time now .These wire being made with the assistance of mastery and sold in nearby and global market with great quality, no bad things to say because of uniform covering of copper and right cast and helix .



Technical Detail

GMM MIG/CO2 – ER 70S -6
AWS / ASTM Conforms to AWS A5 .18 ER70S-6
DIN DIN 8559 : SG2 IS 6419-1971 : Gr-S4
Sizes Available
SIZES IN MM 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.6
SIZE IN INCHES 030″ 035″ 040″ 045″ 1/16″
Spool Weight Kg 5 / 12.5 / 15
Spool Weight Lbs 10 / 25 / 33
SPOOL TYPES SD 200 / SD 270 / SD 300 / BS 300
Drum Pack in Kg 100 / 250 KGS
Drum Pack in LBS 200/500 LBS

1 review for Mild Steel MIG Wire /CO2/CCMS wire

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